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Contact Us

3rd Floor, Monaco Towers II,
11 Dr. Roy's Drive, George Town
Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands
Mailing Address:
PO Box 10189
Grand Cayman KY1-1002

Our Board of Directors

J. Samuel Jackson
J. Samuel Jackson

J Samuel ‘Sammy’ Jackson is a Caymanian Attorney-at-Law with some 29 years of law practice in the Cayman Islands, whose practice now focuses mostly on legal advice and representation in real estate development, planning-related matters, clients in engagement with other public authorities, and general advice and advocacy relating to administrative law matters.

Frank  Balderamos
Deputy Chairman
Frank Balderamos

Frank Balderamos is a seasoned executive with over 25 years of management and consulting experience in multiple industries and with expertise in corporate governance, strategic planning, portfolio management and regulatory compliance and is a qualified accountant, registered investment advisor, and accredited director.

Mike Gibbs
Mike Gibbs

Mike Gibbs is currently an Independent Director of F&G Cayman Re Ltd and a Member of the CIG Government Deputy Governor's Audit & Risk Assurance Committee. A retired President of Kensington Management Group, Ltd. - one of the island’s leading captive insurance managers. Mike is also a past Chairman of the Insurance Managers' Association of Cayman and past President - although remaining an active member of the Cayman Island Chamber of Commerce.

Natasha Bodden
Natasha Bodden

Natasha Bodden is a Caymanian litigation attorney who practices both in Civil and Criminal matters. She has a wealth of experience in Immigration matters, Labour matters, Civil Servant dispute matters, Family matters, Planning matters, Liquor Licensing matters and contractual disputes, to name a few of the areas she specializes in.

Osbert Francis
Osbert Francis

Mr. Francis is currently a director of Quadrant Cayman Ltd., a building and electrical contractor company registered as an entity in the Cayman Islands. Prior to this, he was the COO of SALT Wireless from April 2019 to May 2021.

Gavin Baxendale
Gavin Baxendale

Gavin Baxendale is an ICT professional with over 20 years of experience in solutions development, deployment and management, covering ICT, Cyber Security, compliance and governance. Gavin brings his industry and vendor knowledge, as well as extensive project management experience within the Caribbean, to assist the Board’s regulatory duties - specifically in the areas of ICT solutions, licensee gap analysis, policy and governance development, and data law conformity. He has led and assisted with technology training at the University College of the Cayman Islands, and continues to serve the Cayman Islands as an active member of the Cayman Islands Regiment, and as Director for the Royal Cayman Islands Life Saving Society.

Wrendon Timothy
Wrendon Timothy

Mr Wrendon Timothy is a financial industry, accounting, and governance professional with over 20 years of industry experience. He serves as CFO, Director & Corporate Secretary of Oxbridge Re Holdings Limited, and Oxbridge Acquisition Corp.

Our Management Team

Sonji  Myles
Interim CEO & Executive Director of ICT
Sonji Myles

Sonji Myles is responsible for directing and overseeing the regulation and development of the Information and Communication Technology (‘ICT’)sector in the Cayman Islands. Having worked with OfReg from inception and before that as a senior member of the Information and Communications Technology Office(‘ICTO’), Sonji has a wealth of experience in ICT regulatory matters, ICT policy and strategic development, cybersecurity, licensing, compliance, and enforcement.

Vladimir Bulatovic
Director of Economics and Regulatory Affairs
Vladimir Bulatovic

Dr. Vladimir Bulatovic is the Director of Economics and Regulatory Affairs. In this role, he serves as the principal economic and policy advisor, responsible for leading assessments and delivering expert guidance on competition and regulatory economics across all sectors under OfReg's remit.

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