Freedom of Information
The Freedom of Information Act (2021 Revision) (the “FOI Act") gives the public the right to access all types of records held by public authorities, with some exceptions. As a public office, OfReg is fully committed to openness, transparency and serving the public interest in compliance with the FOI Act.
Commercially Sensitive Information
One exemption of relevance to OfReg and its licensees covers commercially sensitive information. The Office handles commercially sensitive information under Section 107 of the Utility Regulation and Competition Act (2021 Revision) (the “URC Act”) or the Information & Communications Technology Office (Confidentiality) Regulations (“the Confidentiality Regulations”). Under Section 107(3) of the URC Act, OfReg shall grant a request to treat information as confidential if OfReg concludes that the information is: A trade secret of any person
- A trade secret of any person.
- Information, the commercial value of which would be, or could reasonably be expected to be destroyed or diminished by disclosure
- Other information, the disclosure of which would have, or could reasonably be expected to have, an adverse effect on the commercial interests of any person to whom the information relates
- Information:
- that is given to OfReg by a third party (other than another sectoral utility) in confidence on the understanding that it would be treated as confidential
- the disclosure of which would be likely to prevent OfReg from receiving further similar information required by OfReg to fulfil its functions properly
- Information, the disclosure of which would constitute a breach of a duty of confidence provided for by a provision of an Act.
FOI Contact
Information Manager
Mr. Daniel Lee
3rd Floor, Monaco Towers II,
11 Dr. Roy's Drive, George Town,
Grand Cayman
Mailing Address
PO Box 10189
Grand Cayman KY1-1002
+1 (345) 946-4282
Frequently asked questions
- a full justification in writing for the claim of confidentiality, and
- a redacted version of such information in a form that may be made available to the public (to be submitted simultaneously as the claim of confidentiality)
- locations of operations and the opening hours
- the functions, services, departments and sectors (Electricity & Utilities, ICT and Fuels), what work it does and how it sets about its tasks.
- The title and business address of the Principal Officer and other key officers within the organisation.
- Classes of records held.
- Manuals, interpretations, rules, guidelines, practices or precedents.
Members of the public can send their requests to OfReg’s FOI email address All submissions must be in writing and include the party's name and an address (either postal or email). Requests, where possible, should also have a contact detail so that we can respond to you or be contacted if there is a need to clarify your request.
Any person submitting information to OfReg may request that such information be designated "confidential" provided it is accompanied by:
If there is no claim of confidentiality, OfReg may - and usually will - make the information publicly available by publishing it on the website or providing copies to parties who request them.
OfReg, or any third party, may challenge a claim of confidentiality. The originator is allowed to further justify its claim for OfReg to decide under the URC Act, 2021 or the Confidentiality Regulations (whichever is applicable). As before, information for which no such claim is made will be liable to disclosure and is subject to the FOI Act.
If OfReg has decided to deny your FOI request or fails to provide the information on time or grants access to only part of the records requested, or if you have a dispute about the fees charged, you may ask the decision be appealed by Internal Review to the Interim Chief Executive Officer.
You must request an appeal within thirty (30) days of receiving a response or from the date a response should have been received. Please note that if you have asked for an internal review of OfReg’s decision to deny your FOI request and you are not satisfied with the results of the internal review, you can submit an appeal to the Office of the Ombudsman. The Office of the Ombudsman website is
Each public office covered by the FOI Act has a legal duty to adopt and maintain a publication scheme in accordance with section 5 of the FOI Act. The primary purpose of a publication scheme is to make information readily available without specific written requests. Publication schemes are intended to encourage organisations to publish proactively and develop a greater culture of openness. OfReg’s Publication Scheme is presently being reviewed and will be published in accordance with section 5 of the Act.
The Act requires certain information to be published by public authorities, including:

FOI summary
Coming Soon…